The fight we are entering to Save Our Skateworld is going to be an expensive one. We will incur many costs along the way with the majority going to attorney fees. We are preparing to do all we can keep Skateworld remaining as San Diego’s last roller skating rink. Your contributions will help us win this fight!
Your donations are tax deductible! We are working with the "Passage Foundation for Children", who help local youths to develop their self-image through the arts and other social activities. The Friends of Skateworld also hope to help youths gain self-image through athleticism and social skills that are developed through skating. The Passage Foundation for Children will be acting as our Fiscal Agent and will allow all donations made to the Friends of Skateworld to be tax deducatible. All checks must be made out to the "Passage Foundation for Children" in order for us to be able to send you a receipt. Please let us know if you would like a receipt and we will send one to you. Together we hope to help today's youth become tomorrow's leaders.
I have never been one to ask for help but, I am not asking for just myself. I am asking for ALL of us who love Skateworld. Anyone, whose lives have been touch by this rink or the family who owns it. For all those, like me, whose life was “saved” by Skateworld. For all the skaters out there who have never been to Skateworld but, have a rink of their own that they love and cherish. And lastly, to the good citizens of San Diego who may have never touched a pair of skates but, who realize that the City Council is making a bad decision, a decision that will have a negative impact on you as a tax payer. I am asking for you to make a donation and help us WIN this fight!
I am sending out a challenge to all our Friends of Skateworld group to donate $20.00. If you can’t afford $20, perhaps you can donate $10 or $5. Any amount will help and will be greatly appreciated. Please do not send cash.
Please make checks payable to: Passage Foundation for Children
Send checks to:
Friends of Skateworld
P.O. Box 711282
San Diego, CA 92171
Thank you for your support and your generosity. S.O.S – Save Our Skateworld!!!
Shannon Albinio
Friends of Skateworld Roller Rink